I love a good life hack.
I also think my achiever-never-stops-thinking-husband is getting better sleep!
We actually have TWO weighted blankets (one for each of us, can you say obsessed?) that are from different brands.
**My favorite is this one. Shhhh, don’t tell Chris it’s the better one!**
UPDATE: Here is a less expensive option too, that still works WONDERS: here
Chris and I love it because we come home from work, turn Eufy on, and then can decompress/catch up while the little guy goes to town on our dust bunnies.
Molekule Air Purifier
Now this guy is a splurge.
But it’s by no means your standard HEPA air filtration system.
This device doesn’t just clean the air, it actually destroys allergens, viruses, and bacteria in the air.
Say what?
Like, every office in America needs one! (everyone is sick right now at my office lol).
Their product is backed by over two decades of scientific research and made Time’s 25 Best Inventions of 2019, as well as Popular Science’s 10 Greatest Home Innovations of the Year.
It’s science guys, SCIENCE (picture me at white board with crazed look in eye drawing all the connecting evidence).
The product’s technology utilizes free radicals, the same radicals used to kill cancer cells, to oxidize pollutants.
Their technology is able to destroy pollutants 1000 times smaller than traditional HEPA filters.
Southern California is full of air pollutants due to the dense population, so this was something Chris and I asked for as a joint birthday present from my parents and we’re so happy we received!
It’s also capable of improving the quality of life for those who suffer from allergies!
Buy it here. (pssst, they have a payment plan too).
Hydration Multiplier
It’s hard enough navigating airport customs on 3 hours of sleep, but doing it dehydrated? You might as well just hand your laptop over to a stranger because you’re bound to forget it in this delirious state.
Guys, dehydration is a real problem during travel, especially for yours truly when I’m working crazy hours at events.
It’s actually a daily problem, me trying to get enough water.
Airplanes are super drying and water bottle prices in the airport terminals are outrageous. So I decided to try out this hydration multiplier hack I’d seen on a few girls’ IG’s. (shout out to The Skinny Confidential and The Balanced Blonde).
I was super happy with the results! I felt more mental clarity and just less DRY using this Liquid I.V packet in my water bottle. It’s made a huge difference and one bottle of water goes a long way, where as normally I would need at least 2-3 to feel good.
Inside tip: Don’t do the Lemon Lime flavor, But Acai Berry and Passion Fruit are good, just mix well.
Shop it here.
“If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything”
Chuck Pagano
It’s so true! I’m all about putting my health first, and I hope you will too 🙂
Have any wellness hacks I should know about, let me know in the comments below.